Monday, December 29, 2014


Itts life........

Importance of things depends upon how adversely they affect us. We tend to get involved in situations very soon without doing the Maths. Some things are meant to be left as they are by giving them a beautiful/ Satisfactory status. Some matters on the other hand are the different kind. Weather we like or not we are forced to be reasonable with. It's not always applicable to say that everything happens by itself and no matter what we have to accept it. There are times when we regret the decisions we take but yes, we cannot to do anything regarding that because that lies in past. May be if we'd acted other way round, situation might have been different. But stop for a moment and think about it that how you could have handled the situation if you would given chance. Compare the consequences and you will be amazed to see that there was a reason for whatever happened. If not satisfied, You are still alive, take as many risks you love to.

We love being happy, everybody does. I have learned one thing in my life that things cannot always be in our favor. When they are according to us we are happy and otherwise it's life. :-)

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