Monday, December 29, 2014


Itts life........

Importance of things depends upon how adversely they affect us. We tend to get involved in situations very soon without doing the Maths. Some things are meant to be left as they are by giving them a beautiful/ Satisfactory status. Some matters on the other hand are the different kind. Weather we like or not we are forced to be reasonable with. It's not always applicable to say that everything happens by itself and no matter what we have to accept it. There are times when we regret the decisions we take but yes, we cannot to do anything regarding that because that lies in past. May be if we'd acted other way round, situation might have been different. But stop for a moment and think about it that how you could have handled the situation if you would given chance. Compare the consequences and you will be amazed to see that there was a reason for whatever happened. If not satisfied, You are still alive, take as many risks you love to.

We love being happy, everybody does. I have learned one thing in my life that things cannot always be in our favor. When they are according to us we are happy and otherwise it's life. :-)



When we were kids Friday was just another day we'd to get ready for the school as soon as we wake up. It was only the Sunday we wanted to have three times a week or every day of week :-).I mean what it was we liked the most- not studying, attend the classes or not doing things which we were told to do? Well yes, that is the thing we don't like at all-To be told what to do! Sunday was the only day which was supposed to be planned by ourselves and that is why we loved it.

Nothing has changed but Friday has now stole the charm of "Sunday" and here is the story of my present fridays. I am a House wife now and everyday for me has changed what they used to be exactly Four months back and almost the same since I am in US on dependent visa. Almost everything changes when you get married.

29/12/14 I left this blog in drafts some four months ago, which makes it eight months now :-). Though nothing has changed everything is same as it was. three days back we enjoyed another friday with friends having dinner at our home. Friday still carry the same charm for me as in my working days. The only difference is that now that working person out of me is my Husband. I feel the same happiness as i felt for myself at times. We get lazy watch movies tv series sleep very late  and wake-up at 12 the next day.

The only Possession....

You come around a lot of people in your life but it does't mean that all are important. Everybody has a different flair of choice. It is not like the people who are not very close to us are all bad, it is just the matter of interaction period or the first impression. Some are good at solitude some are best around people and some are " Selfish". The most contented person on this earth would be the one who has all the three qualities in proportion. We forget often but, we can never be the same always. Everything about us changes with what life brings to us and we are never capable of changing that. We just make peace with that and if we don't do we end up frustrated, unhappy or always cursing the reasons.

At present I am in the phase of being selfish. I have always been possessive about my things but never imagined that one day it will start hurting me. It is normal being possessive about your partner but what? when it starts becoming suffocation for the other person. Why we tend to forget that not everybody is alike. We have different cravings in life. Why we are terrified with the thought of loosing our loved ones and horrified with the fact that you may loose them due to overdose of love itself. We all know Love is a word which possess only one quality- Extremes'.

I am happy, sad, irritating, cheerful, contented, complaining, apologetic, thankful and original me, but with him only. If ever I have to think other way round, then I am finished. He is the only possession i have earned in my life. Never I can dare to loose him over some petty thing. I will do whatever it takes to make him happy and proud of his choice. Nothing has been more important in my life. I just want him to give a single thought that whenever I have made any issue that always had been regarding the fear of not being important to him. Nothing else in this world i expect from him, just one loving hug and a word that he will never leave me. He is the only one for me and will always be........
                                                                   Don't Let me be Alone

Many a times I asked myself, what it is for which I am running always. Today I have got everything I imagined in my life. Still I am Afraid, afraid of what? It is nothing outside me I am afraid to loose myself I guess. I don't know what it is!! My soul still is restless. What is it I am Looking for? Yeah, I am Happy but why I have tears in my eyes? Which is that place where my mind will be at peace? I don't want to be alone ever, Nobody on this earth probably want that. Why it happens as being with someone too you feel alone at times. If presence of people around you was sufficient nobody on this earth would have fallen in love or cared for being with a single person for whole of his life. There are 6 billion people around the world. If you are alone at home still there is gonna be somebody next door. How far is the next door, normally 3 steps away from your door in a typical society.  If somebody can't hug you while crying being in the same place, then there is no difference in the situation where you have nobody. Please don't let me be alone I will go too far to come back, Please!!!
Please, Hug me...Talk me me unconditionally.